Our mission is to promote and develop your business successfully for YOU - OUR BUSINESS PARTNER
Today many defence and aerospace deals of any consequence attract what is known generically as "Offset", increasingly incurring penalty for non-performance and the contingent liability associated with Offset obligations in International corporates has the potential to bring down, perhaps, the organisation.
Historically the subject has had a tendency to be treated on a reactive basis by large international players as a potentially costly and necessary evil.
We believe now is the time for the Boardrooms of the international players to grasp the nettle and handle Offset within their strategic marketing strategy on a proactive basis to grow their businesses. Offset comes before, not after deals.
The subject should be regarded as a business winning marketing tool to ensure growth by adopting lateral thinking and vision towards new markets as well as reappraising existing markets.
We can be your catalyst in the resolution and delivery of offset whilst at the same providing a marketing edge over the competition in dealing with offset upĀ¬front and indeed as the door opener to the winning of further sound business.
Our Offset advice and solutions recognize the importance and significance of working within the ethical guidelines described by the OECD, particularly in relation to arrangements made within third party host countries.
Sensitively handled offset can be the ultimate marketing tool in the winning and securing of business in the defence and aerospace sector on the world stage.
We provide you the client with access to our International Business
Development Boutique in which we provide four primary services:
- Overall Offset Consultancy- direct or indirect
- Strategic Marketing, including PR, Counselling and introductions
- Deal broking and the appointment of advisers
- Innovative and creative financing
Our team's expertise is wide and far-reaching and draws upon a broad range of international experience, as well as from the defence and aerospace sector. Furthermore we bring to our clients access to a network of contacts, commercial intelligence, innovation and a lateral approach to new business development opportunities.
We provide the client with a 'one-stop' operation for the networking, development and implementation of new business.
In short, we will:
- create a virtue from a necessity;
- only pursue commercially viable transactions;
- negate the traditional view of the cost of offset;
- make your bid more competitive;
- assist you in growing your business.
- Napoleon Hill